turnover of the shops

We see in the graph of products that our curtains sell the most with 65% of our turnover. Most customers want their interior to be complete, which is why we also sell cushions and carpets, which are popular. We can see this in the sales because 15% of our turnover is from our cushions and 20% from our carpets.


If we look at the graph of our turnover in the different shops, we can see that 40% of our turnover is in Knokke while 60% is in Knokke.

We think this is because in Sint-Martens-Latem there are more classic or country houses and people with more classic style while in Knokke we can be more creative with our curtains because there is a lot of diversity in buildings, from shops to companies and also the holiday homes.


In general, 2020 was a terrible year with the covid virus, at least for us. People stayed in and attached more importance to their homes and we see this in our graph, we see a big increase in April and May with 40 potential clients, but also in September and October the clients increase with 50.

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